My heart is bursting with christmassy feelings, tugged by Christmas carols, swayed by red and green. My blog however has been dismal. Once again i lament how time just flies. Leaving me in a whirlwind of to do lists. I wish i could slow it down so i could relive my December, get everything in shape. Really savour the moments.
Yesterday i got my Christmas wrapping done. Finished my christmas shopping. Squeezed in a nice al fresco bagel lunch at the Bean. Did laundry. Cleaned and tidied my room. (Gets to a point in one's life when you just can't find too many things you know you own that you have to do a mini overhaul). Watched 2 dvds. HIlarious, laugh-out loud numbers (Heartbreak kid with Ben stiller & the chuck & larry with adam sandler)And made my mum's birthday card. Even cooked dinner for bro and i. Quite a productive day i must say. The only gloomy thing bout it being that i am now so broke.
What a lovely time to have a public holiday i must say. With the folks away, the mice get busy!
Lotsa fun happy days ahead..fa la la la la la.