be it cursed for one to have a heart which pounds louder than the one alongside it?be it cursed for one to feel more deeply than the other?shame on the first then to wear its heart on its sleeve.or is it so?when beatrice joanna conspired with de flores in "the changeling" to kill off her bethrothed just so she could be with the one she truly loved,alsemero..why is it that it had to be she to take fate and justice into her own hands.could not alsemero in his superior position as man take a more domineering role to prove his proclaimed love?and how is it that beatrice joanna in sacrificing her honour merely to be with the one she loved ends up severely persecuted in her lover's eye.
a friend of mine said that a friend of hers said that,every minute,every hour,every day,every week...every is always the woman on the losing end.equality still has a long way to go the fairer sex then the weaker sex?weak to let your heart so loose as to feel,weak to let your heart soar and take its own fancies,weak to let it rule you..liv tyler said in the movie"that thing you do".."shame on me for closing my eyes everytime we kissed.."i don't remember the rest but i took it to mean,shame on me that i was so in love and closed my eyes to savour the moment that i didnt see that the feeling wasnt mutual.i remember tearing at that line.
i still hang on to the idea of happily ever after.the prince charming may be elusive though.and so as the fairer sex we are supposed to put on an iron mask,cage our silly fancies to retain any semblance of self respect or self worth...?
"govern your passions before they govern you "..
scorn and mock the very heart
that pines and longs for you
until the day you find yourself
alone and bruised and blue
pining for the very heart that has flitted off elsewhere
to pastures greener than the one which simply didnt care
scoff and dismiss the very one
who cared and gave her all
until the day you look around
and see there's no one when you fall
no loving arms to pick you up and wash away the pain
you lay amongst ur useless treasures underneath the rain
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yeah. i agree with you. whole heartedly.
i remember reading somewhere - love, when it comes to romance, is the foulest of four letter words.
hence, we must not be ruled by our hearts, but conquer theirs.
i meant to clarify - you can't say i love you first to a guy. because love, when it comes to romance is the foulest of four letter words.
i read that somewhere. my previous comment sounded a bit weird.
" See beyond the present to see the future they say
but the present is painful and I have to say nay
Hang on till the tempest is over
But my heart only goes lower
So do I wait for the negligent heart
or morphed from my bleeding heart? "
" the heart has healed
the healing salve yielded
yet the patient's mouth remains sealed
leaving her visitors puzzled still
as to weather her smile was forcibly willed
or a truly a genuine feel? "
what the .... are u tokking abt?
Tok human lang leh!
dearest mei!
i love ur poem.almost teared.
and wat u said is very true indeed.
if love can be personified, it must be a very contradicting and queer person indeed.
happy lunar new yr =)
I-Mei~~ Very touching, an undeniable truth.
Love is like heaven but hurts like hell.
Anyway, WeyLing here =)
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