Monday, September 17, 2007

massive purge

in order of things i've been wanting to blog about. my mouse died. i got a cheapo rm25 replacement for purely functional reasons (you know how girls would always go for the prettiest looking mouse or speakers but this time i had to be practical.

this is what my old mouse looked like. i got it from sim lin in singapore years ago.
this is how it died...
and this is my new hideous wonder. sigh.

i've finally got the latest mandy moore album i've been waiting for.
there's a song on it called all good things and at first i thought it was such a nice happy song. but then it's all good things..come to an end. how apt. no? sigh. i also got nelly furtado, and i can't help liking the music on this one despite the highly sexually charged lyrics on some. hey, i like the beats, k. next i will be buying timbaland. and of course, no trip to the mall is complete without getting a few dvds to shake my weekend up.
this last weekend i got started with designing xmas cards for santa's workshop to get going.

it's that time of year again. i also managed to scrap this.
and took my sister out for a movie, Hairspray and some shopping, just me and her. it was swell. this is probably the start of a new level in our relationship, a new phase as she gets older.

hung out a lot with my folks. maybe so i wasn't so alone. but then i watch my movies and of course every romantic scene reminds me of what we had(have?), and the uncertainty of it all.

and now i am down with the doggone flu. shucks.

1 comment:

min said...

glad that everything's going well..despite having an ugly mouse.

take care sweets!
i miss u!